Erik's incredible rags to riches true story, starting out on food stamps with only a bike for transportation, and then earning $500,000 in net profits in 2 years from creative real estate investing and flipping houses. His story will inspire anyone looking to become a successful real estate investor.
At the time Erik joined the Freedom Mentor Apprentice Program in 2020, in his own words, he was "dirt poor, on food stamps and had a very bleak future ahead of me." He was down on his luck and a friend (who had graduated from our Apprentice Program a few years prior) wanted to give Erik a hand up (rather than a hand out) by paying the upfront cost for him to join. Erik faced tremendous adversity in getting started. As Erik tells it, "I didn't have a car, just a motorized bicycle and so things were slow rolling, so to speak, in the beginning."
First Deal
With the best real estate mentors in his corner, he was provided specific instructions on exactly how to find his first deal, even without a vehicle. He literally visited properties on his electric bike. Following our mentoring step by step, he put his first property under contract and then flipped it to another buyer without having to use any cash or credit. The net profit from that first deal was $19,088. He used some of the money to buy a used Toyota Yaris.
Fulfilling a Promise to a Friend
In addition to owning a car, that first deal gave Erik something even more valuable...confidence. Erik now knew that he could do far more than he had previously dreamed possible. He had a bright future. As Erik explains, "Once I had a car, everything picked up steam and in the next week, I signed 3 contracts with sellers in ONE DAY!" Erik was excellent at doing what we taught him, overcoming obstacles that got in his way and most importantly, following through on his promises. On his third deal closing, he asked our accounting department to send his entire $10,108 profit directly to his friend that had paid for him to join our Program. It was a marvelous display of fulfilling on a promise to pay a friend back.
Gaining Momentum
Here's a video he recorded in early 2021, after he had closed several deals and was gaining momentum:
Reuniting with Family
Within a year of joining the program, he had, what he called a, "fat bank account," and it provided him with another answer to prayer. He had the money to move back home to where his family was located and as he puts it, "I got my son back in my life and my parents actually respect me now!" What a miracle it was for Erik to reunite with his family. He also made the transition to a different real estate market and picked up where he had left off, continuing to do deals and make enormous amounts of money.
Getting Married
Erik fell in love with a girl who he described as a, "beautiful and virtuous filipina". They married and while most newlyweds go on a 1 or maybe 2 week honeymoon, Erik celebrated in style with a full one month vacation to the Philippines. The ever industrious Erik managed to close a deal while on the trip too. "I sold a property while I was out of the country, which graduated me from the program and put over $37,000 in my bank account WHILE I WAS ON VACATION!," exclaimed Erik.
In 2 years, Erik officially graduated from the program having made more than $500,000 in net profits. Erik was extremely grateful and appreciative of what we did for him:
"And its all because of how God has used Phil and the Freedom Mentor program to completely transform my life. Freedom Mentor has been such a blessing to me, and now I am a successful real estate investor. I have gone from rags to riches. Thanks to Freedom Mentor, and thank you Jesus. My cup runneth over."
Create your own Rags to Riches story like Erik by applying to my Freedom Mentor Apprentice Program now.
I am looking for guidance and willing to partner on a deal to get started
Apply to my Apprentice Program
You are outstanding coach,I been watching you for while how can I got to your apprenticeship please let me know. Always learn from the best if you want to succeed in life.
Thanks very much
Apply to my Apprentice Program here
I needed to read this! It’s Up Lifting to the Mine!
Interested in learning more
Learn more here: Creative Real Estate Investing & Flipping Houses Video Course (FREE)
Very inspiring and timely message, I needed to hear this story. It came right in time to encourage and motivate me for where I’m currently at in my own life’s journey. congrats Erick, proud of you. If Erick can do it, so can I. All is possible to those who believe.
Do I have to wait 2 yrs in order to start seeing cash flow?
Erik generated $500,000 net profits over the course of two years, with his first deal closing within a few months of joining. He made money all along the way. He didn’t make one lump sum two years after joining the program.
Amazing story!
Omg! I wish I had a friend like that!
I really need this at age 61 wanting to help others and own my own home
Same here
Awesome story
I have always had the interest to be a real-estate investor, but I lack the knowledge and confidence.
Mr. Pustejovsky, I have been contemplating real estate for too long now, and may this be my chance to change my injured life. My life changing story is for another time, but I am ready to begin this financially fulfilling endeavor.
Have been interested in doing this for 25yrs.
That is incredible. I am happy for Erik.
God is beautiful. His works is so rewarding.
I am a nurse making enough money but I need a side huddle for me to have more time for myself . I know I can do this!
good info on how to transform your life for the better
I would like a chance to Build up my family’s future and give my daughter an amazing childhood.
I live in one of the most expensive paces in the United States. Is it possible to use your program to make deals in this real estate market?
Absolutely! You can make more money in your market because the prices are higher. The bigger the deal, the more money you make.
Thank you for your works! Although I’ve been seeing this for a LONG TIME! I haven’t gotten the opportunity to participate with the freedom mentor program! It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the motivation! Looking forward!
Incredible story, way to go Erik 💪
I am very interested in joining your Apprentice Program.