Find the real estate investment club closest to you through this simple to use locator tool. Most parts of the United States have at least one club for real estate investors (although some major cities have more than one). They are primarily non-profit organizations and are affiliated with the National REIA organization (although some are independent for-profit groups). Before you attend your first meeting at one of these real estate investing clubs, or before you attend your next one, make sure you watch/read, The Skinny on Real Estate Investment Clubs. Understanding how they work, who attends the meetings, how to get the most out of those meetings and how to avoid getting bamboozled is critical. Once you have learned that, then it's time to find the club nearest you.
Real Estate Investment Club Locator

I own two rentals one is paid off. I left the feds in 2021 and got my RL. Since then Ive earned more money than I ever did as a W2 guy. However, I do not want to remain reliant on doing real estate transaction for income.
My goal is to obtain 10 SF rentals, with the objective of acquiring 100 SF rentals at a profit range of $100-500 each. I believe this is possible with the right financing, probably not through conventional means. If I can reach 10, and eventually 100 rentals I believe I will be in position to secure the future of my parents and five children.
If you’re mentoring can provide guidance in achieving this goal. I would like to pursue your mentorship program.
That is definitely what our mentoring can provide. Apply to be my next apprentice here:
I am a carpenter builder with 32 years experience. Just looking for someone to partner with in flipping property. I have the experience in getting the work done just need someone on the financial end .
You are a dime a dozen. There are millions of people with your skills. Knowing what properties to buy, negotiating the purchase wisely, having the financial resources and knowing how to sell for maximum price; THOSE are the skills that are so rare and so valuable. You learn those skills here at